Today's block, Outtakes, is brought to you by Vanessa Christenson of C & Co and is another foray into the world of foundation piecing.

Having brushed up my foundation piecing skills on Janet's block a few weeks ago, this one was a good refresher and came together quickly.
You can see I have used one of the checks from Easy Living Toweling in the A section of the 9" block.

For the smaller block I have used toweling in the C sections, making sure each square was cut with the stripe exactly in the centre. You can see how the stripes are placed exactly the same on each 1 ¼" square.
I then chose to run the stripes, some vertically and the ones in the very corners, horizontally. you can play around with their directionality any way you like, but this is how mine came together, giving the block a multi directionality.

It is important that you layout your 4 patch squares first if you wish to make this happen, otherwise you will have some reverse sewing (unpicking) to do. You can see that I have the seam running parallel to the stripe on 4 pairs and I have sewn across the stripe on the other 4 pairs.
Then, when you piece the pairs together you will have the stripes arranged as I have done.

I have ironed the final seam open, on my 4 patch
squares. It helps reduce the bulk particularly when using toweling.

Once again, my foundations printed off a little too small, so I have cut them the correct size and just redrawn the lines slightly so the point of triangle 1 is ¼" from the edge. The fabric will be trimmed once the piecing of the foundation is completed.
I have also placed the template on the checked fabric so the point is lined up exactly with one of the black stripes down the centre of piece 1. I positioned all 4 foundations exactly the same, so they all matched.
I hope you have fun sewing this one, happy sewing.